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English story time - Ryugatake

Hi Everybody,

It has been a while since you have heard from us; we have been busy with event organisation and the usual everyday running of E-Friends.

I will be writing about Halloween shortly in a different news update.  What I want to do with this news update is go back to the end of August; we were invited by the city library to join another English story time.

At English story time in Ryugatake I presented a slideshow introducing the kids to Great Britain.  I showed them many photos and videos; at the end the children were able to ask me any questions they had.

Before we began story time, I taught “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” to the children.  At first I used flashcards to teach the children all the body parts in the song, we practised a few times and then used the song.

After having a fun time performing “head shoulders knees and toes” we all settled down and story time began.  The book choices were “Momo Taro” (Peach Boy), “yokatta ne, Nedo kun” (fortunately, unfortunately) and “The hungry caterpillar”.  I read the stories in English and with help from the library volunteers they read the story in Japanese, the children seemed to enjoy it as they were concentrating a lot on listening to each story.

After Finishing English story time we made balloon art for the children to take home; there were many balloon sculptures to choose from such as swords, rabbits, dogs and hats.

With the success of English Story time in Ryugatake, I look forward to the next time E-Friends and the Library can work together to introduce English books to Children and adults.

See you shortly

E-Friends, Tim


英語のお話し会 in 龍ヶ岳




龍ヶ岳での英語のお話し会で私は子どもたちにスライドショーでイギリスの紹介をしました。 私は沢山の写真とビデオを子どもたちに見せ、終わりに子どもたちからの質問を受けました。

お話しのはじまる前に、私は‘Head, shoulders ,knees and toes’ を教えました。はじめにカードを使って歌の中の体の部位を教え、何度か練習してから歌に入りました。

‘Head, shoulders ,knees and toes’の楽しい時間を過ごした後、みんな座り、お話しの時間のはじまりです。選ばれた本は、「桃太郎」と、「よかったね、ネッドくん」と、「はらぺこあおむし」です。私が英語で本を読み、同時に図書館ボランティアの方は日本語で読みました。子どもたちはとても集中してすべてのお話しを聞いていたので、楽しんでくれた事と思います。




イーフレンズ、 ティム。


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